Stack of two books where the spines are visible.


Salon 94




New York, NY


Marina Adams
Marina Adams

Designed for Salon 94 on the occasion of Adams solo exhibition, Marina Adams spans a decade of the New York-based artist’s painting practice. Fluently pushing color into form, Adams creates undulating shapes that reveal a powerful internal rhythm beneath their surface simplicity. The work within was sequenced to highlight these bold pattern shifts. Painting by painting, Adams’ visual language unfolds as a favorite color travels across miles of canvas, absorbing rogue pigments along the way.

Published by Salon 94, Designed by Pacific, Hardcover, 9 × 11 inches, 152 pages, Edition of 1,000

Front cover of a book. It's painted in green, gold, yellow, blue, brown and red triangles.
Open book with full bleed centerfold image of a painter's studio.
Two pages of an open book which each features a different colorful geometric painting.
Back cover of a book painted with varying hues of blue rounded shapes.